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A Tea Party At Lil' Lamb Boutique

Monday, June 26, 2017

Happy Monday friends! A few weekends ago, Cora and Steve attended a Daddy-Daughter Tea Party at Lil' Lamb Boutique (in downtown Annapolis off Maryland Avenue) and I was able to crash it to take some pics to share with you guys. I had seen that Lil' Lamb Boutique offered these tea parties (and other events) regularly and with mommies too, but had kept forgetting to take Cora to one of them. Well, luckily for us Kristen, who owns Lil' Lamb Boutique, invited us to join one of her tea parties and it was absolutely magical. I can tell you that it is truly like a little mini-grown up event for these kids.

I won't go into too much detail describing everything since the photos will show you how fabulous these tea parties are. But I will say that Kristen changes her shop owner hat to event planner hat, because she attends to every single detail, from tablecloths & runners to the garment rack full of princess dresses, it is really so special for the kids and parents who attend. And did I mention there was a magician at this tea party? Such a cool thing! I was so bummed to have missed out, but Cora was amazed at the magic show as was Steve!

Thank you so much Kristen for having Cora and Steve join this ridiculously cute Daddy-Daughter Tea Party! Cora had such a great time, and Steve was so happy to share something so special with Cora.


  1. تعتبر ماكينات التعبئة والتغليف هي اكثر المشاريع اقبالاً من قبل الشباب بسبب عائدها الربحي الكبير والسريع ولهذا فتقوم شركة ماسترتك بتصنيع ماكينات تعبئة مياة معدنية من الفولاذ المتين بدقة وجودة عالية تحت اشراف نخبة من مختصين صناعة مكن التعبئة والتغليف حيث ان شركة ماسترتك هي من الشركات الرائدة في صناعة مكن التعبئة والتغليف وحاصله علي شهادة الايزو العالمية للصناعة وتقدم ماسترتك مكن التعبئة والتغليف باسعار منافسة في السوق المصري

  2. يقوم الدكتور محمود ناصر اشطر دكتور اوعية دموية فيقوم ب علاج امراض الاوعية الدموية والشرايين بافضل الوسائل واسرع الطرق، فيقوم ب علاج دوالي الساقين بدون الم او جراحة باستعمال التقنيات الحديثة للعلاج بدون جراحة

  3. Experience the charm of a tea party at Lil' Lamb Boutique! Join us for a delightful afternoon filled with sweet treats, savory bites, and a variety of teas to savor. Book your spot now for an unforgettable gathering with friends and family.

  4. Join us for an afternoon filled with delectable treats, fine teas, and charming company. Reserve your spot now for an unforgettable gathering at our cozy boutique.

  5. A Tea Party at Lil' Lamb Boutique is a charming event where children and families can enjoy a delightful tea experience in a cozy setting. With whimsical decorations and delicious treats.


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