
Local Hunts Part II: Silk and Burlap

Saturday, August 01, 2009

I have to be honest with you and it's embarrassing for me to admit this, but the next local hunt is a place that I have only admired from my computer screen - never in person. How awful is that?? Especially after you see these photos, you are going to be wondering why the heck I haven't been there already. I know, I know but hey! I have a full-time job and my husband and I share 1 car. Yes, 1 car, which makes it that much more difficult for me to travel from Annapolis to Frederick, MD.

But enough with the mere excuses for my inability to making it to this fabulous shop. I promise you this though, I WILL make it to this treasure of a store by next week, and I know that I will come back with rave reviews. Mark my words!

So with all that said, enjoy! And hopefully you won't be putting off going to Silk and Burlap like I have after you've seen these photos below.

Uhh, who wants everything in this room? I do! I do!

Lucite is hot right now. Even though they're not your typical sitting chair, they are in the shape of a traditional sitting chair, only clear. And since they're clear they don't make the room appear cluttered, specifically in small spaces.

They have jewelry too!!! This alone should've gotten my butt out the door to this place.

Even the price tags are stylish! You know, this gives me an idea to create something like these for Holiday name tags...

My infatuation with mirrors is as deeply-rooted as my husband's compulsive cleaning habits. You guys know what I'm talking about. He loves to clean, I love mirrors. Particularly antique or antique-looking mirrors.

I hope you don't waste any time making it out to Silk and Burlap like I have. And when I do make it out there I'll be sure to post up pics of what I think would be great items to have.

Photos from Silk and Burlap


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